Raconteur Animation

Raconteur Animation

Designed a VR experience to demonstrate the agency's capacity to market futuristic tech.

Designed a VR experience to demonstrate the agency's capacity to market futuristic tech.

Hats I wore


Concept Artist

3D Designer


Jun 2023 — Aug 2023


3D Modeling

Concept Art

3D Design



Raconteur helps disruptive tech companies launch new products confidently with stunning 3D animation.

Raconteur helps disruptive tech companies launch new products confidently with stunning 3D animation.

The Task

The Task

A VR Animation

A VR Animation

We created a VR experience to immerse people in the future. The project revolved around a concept EVTOL aircraft. This animation would demonstrate the company’s capacity to market new technologies through VR.

We created a VR experience to immerse people in the future. The project revolved around a concept EVTOL aircraft. This animation would demonstrate the company’s capacity to market new technologies through VR.



I was tasked with pitching the project direction with 2 quick concept illustrations, designing the EVTOL exterior, and modeling it in 3D software.

I was tasked with pitching the project direction with 2 quick concept illustrations, designing the EVTOL exterior, and modeling it in 3D software.

Project Direction

Project Direction

Q + A

Q + A

With the little time we have, what scenes should be featured and what level of detail in 3D assets can we afford?

Initial takeoff + landing sequences must be included. Tasks will be divided among team members and 3D assets will be mid-poly to high-poly.

Where will the animation (the audience) begin and end?

Rural area → futuristic metropolis. This will show the vehicle’s adaptability to different environments and the company’s ability to build different 3D environments.

What should the EVTOL look like and how should it function?

Similar to modern-day designs, it would look like a small plane. The wings may fold themselves when traveling on land. Any potential technical issues will be addressed.

How realistic should the EVTOL be?

It does not have to be very realistic. The purpose of the animation is to showcase the company’s capacity to create VR experiences.

With the little time we have, what scenes should be featured and what level of detail in 3D assets can we afford?

Initial takeoff + landing sequences must be included. Tasks will be divided among team members and 3D assets will be mid-poly to high-poly.

Where will the animation (the audience) begin and end?

Rural area → futuristic metropolis. This will show the vehicle’s adaptability to different environments and the company’s ability to build different 3D environments.

What should the EVTOL look like and how should it function?

Similar to modern-day designs, it would look like a small plane. The wings may fold themselves when traveling on land. Any potential technical issues will be addressed.

How realistic should the EVTOL be?

It does not have to be very realistic. The purpose of the animation is to showcase the company’s capacity to create VR experiences.

Concept Illustration

Concept Illustration

  1. Rural

  1. Rural

  1. Futuristic Metropolis

  1. Futuristic Metropolis

3D Design

3D Design

Not plane-like.

Not plane-like.

this would make the aircraft impractical for land travel at high speeds due to its shape, engine, wheels, etc. Also, the propellers would be too bulky. Modern EVTOLs have specific landing sites, so we had to deviate from current models.

this would make the aircraft impractical for land travel at high speeds due to its shape, engine, wheels, etc. Also, the propellers would be too bulky. Modern EVTOLs have specific landing sites, so we had to deviate from current models.

First Iteration

First Iteration

Initial design consisted of a manned drone with four propellers that could insert itself into a car body.


  • No good storage areas (trunk)

  • Crammed interior

  • Difficult to drive in narrow/crowded areas

  • No place to store propellers

Initial design consisted of a manned drone with four propellers that could insert itself into a car body.


  • No good storage areas (trunk)

  • Crammed interior

  • Difficult to drive in narrow/crowded areas

  • No place to store propellers

Final Design

Final Design

Final design consisted of a drone attachment that could attach itself to the vehicle when needed.

Final design consisted of a drone attachment that could attach itself to the vehicle when needed.



Modeled in Cinema 4D and Blender.

Modeled in Cinema 4D and Blender.

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Updated Dec. 2024

Thanks for being here! Always down to chat.

Updated Dec. 2024

Thanks for being here! Always down to chat.

Updated Dec. 2024